Just like any great fraternity there is an initiation process, hazing if you will. In Africa there are all different sorts of rituals in order for boys to become respected as men. This type of initiation has been going on since the beginning of time. The trials and tribulations that they undergo create a bond and a common ground that they both can relate too.
In order to enter a fraternity you have to go through hell week or something similar where you are literally tortured until one day you are considered a brother. In order to join the crips or the bloods you are beaten, then and only then are you considered a member.
Why is this necessary well for one, like I said it creates a bond, it gives you the ability to look at the person next to you and know that this man or woman went through the same thing you went through to be standing next to you. It allows everyone to have an equal amount of respect for one another.
The military does it for this reason but also for other reasons as well, Basic military training or boot camp is a training experience for you to become aquainted with the ins and outs of the service you are joining.
You will learn how to wear the uniform, how to march, the history, the mission for the future, the motto or creed, the ranks, how to shoot a weapon, and so on and so forth.
So you may ask why is it necessary to yell and to make it so stressful. Well I explained it partially in my first couple of paragraphs, but another reason is because as a military serviceman or woman, you may end up in very hostile and/or stressful situations, and you will be counted on to handle yourself under pressure. Many times a 17 year old man or woman is responsible for top secret national security, or for multi-million dollar equipment. Stress is a part of life but could be more so in the military, so you have to be able to handle it, and basic training is a way to weed out the individuals who can't take the heat if you will.
So you want a tip on how to make it through basic, well I could give you the same old run down every one tells you like
start running every day and get in shape
start learning your facing movements
start learning the ranks
start learning your reporting statements
Yes these are important and yes learning these things as well as others will make it easier for you once you get to boot camp.
but the one tip I will give you that if you can master this, everything else will take care of itself. Is to make your mind up.
Yep thats right Make your damn mind up!!!
Basic training is more mental than everything, when I went through sure I hated all the running and marching and heat and yelling and all that, but the one thing I hated more than anything was constantly being tired. I hated waking up at the butt crack of dawn for another long day and always being tired.
I wanted to sleep sooooooo bad.
It is more mental than anything, If you are not 100% sure that you want to be there and you are dedicated to making it through then you most likely won't make it.
You have to be strong mentally and you have to want it.
So make up your mind that you are going to put up with the pain for however many weeks of hell you have to put up with it for and don't give up.
because if you make it through beleive it or not one day you will look back and laugh and joke about basic training. It is a great story and accomplishment to tell your grandkids one day.